Organic Face Mask for Winters


  • Banana Peel – 1
  • Honey – Half ½ tsp
  • Rice Flour – Full 1 tsp


  1. Take out the pulp from inside the banana skin in to a bowl. Mix honey and rice floor and make a good paste.
  2. Take the mixture and start rubbing gently on all over your face in upward direction
  3. Keep it scrubbing slowly for at least 5-6 mins
  4. Let it dry for 5 mins
  5. Wash your face with lukewarm water


Naturally plush silky satiny skin and glow.

Note: Use this scrub once or twice in a week for better results. This is a personally tested face pack and has no side effects.

Natural Benefits of Ingredients

Banana– Gentle exfoliating effect, moisturizes and freshen up the skin

Honey – Best Antioxidant, cleanses pores, removes blackheads from the skin, hydrates and tightens the skin pores for a clear complexion.

Rice flour – Rich in vitamin B, helps to remove acne and pigmentation spots. Known for skin whitening.

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