Interior of a home is simply incomplete if you haven’t paid heed to the necessity of decorating your walls since these walls actually mark a statement for your entire place. Walls contribute a lot to transform the interior. It gives you the whole freedom to speech what kind of personality you are.  You may wonder that a wall can serve as a perfect canvas for you to add flair to the interior of your room.

There are a lot of ways which can be utilized to decorate walls, out of which; paint is the primeval and pivotal option. Other ways include wall paneling, mirrored walls, wall stickers and wall hangings.

WALL PAINTS:  However, wall paint is the easiest option one goes for when nothing else is possible to do around but wall paint is that one factor, which creates a focal point of your room & keeps the viewer going through the whole story.  Selection of color for your wall paint is crucial to this exercise because every color has its own properties and can radically change the absolute appearance and impression of your room. While selecting a color, bear in mind that it should not only absorb your thoughts rather exude traits of your personality. Wall paints comes in a variety and textures allowing a person to go with something suits best to the need and budget.

WALL PANELS: Wall panels are one of the great options to cover your walls. It is basically a single piece of any wooden, plastic, upholster or paper material which is usually cut to the measurement of your wall to provide a best covering. These panels can be permanent or temporary varying in their cost & time of construction and are really helpful in hiding unfinished ceilings & wirings.

MIRROR WALLS: Mirrored walls are next best option to give your walls a trendy and deep look. Installation of mirror on your walls in your room actually puts your rooms in the sea depth of your complete interior. Though, the concept of mirrored wall is re-defined yet it produces a good combo of retro and modern looks. Speaking of its reflective power, when a full mirror is placed onto the wall of a bathroom, it punctuates the space and gives a clean and sanitized look. Mirror paneling can be done through mirror pieces too, where these bits can be clustered to give a rich look of an assorted design.

WALL STICKERS: wall stickers are that amazing option which is on boom these days in Pakistan. Reasonably exciting and variant designs of stickers are available for the people to select one according to their place requirement. Unlike, paints or panels, these are meant to spurt out a story for the place and helps to bring a theme to it. i.e: Stickers of cartoon characters, sports cars, or excerpts from fairy tales can really help to create an exciting theme of a kid’s room. These stickers are made with professional intricacy and are available for every corner of your home, office, studio, gym or restaurant.

WALL HANGINGS: Wall hangings are just a simple way to fill up the space in theme left un-attended by paint. Selection of wall hanging with right size, color and style adds grace to the beauty of your walls but again it must be complementary to the structure and color of wall to serve the purpose. These are available in a variety of materials such as wood, metal, tapestries, and quilts. Wall hangings can serve as a good embellishment for your walls.

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