3D flooring is a newly discovered and very appealing technology which actually puts a call for bringing the world under your feet. It is really a boon for those who want to see and feel the magic of gardens and depth of sea under their feet.  Best part about 3D flooring is these are self-leveling floors and once these are leveled they are completely resistant to erosion, abrasion, ecological effects. You can have a variety of designs for your floors depending upon your mood and style. You can easily move to beautiful blooming gardens, landscapes and sea sides and can feel the nature with sky, birds, and animals.

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Here is a short review of installation of 3D flooring. This technology involves a scrupulous layering of a variety of materials to make it a unique, comfortable and worth-watching floor. Under floor preparation includes a first layer of concrete, then the unique, colorful, and imaginative 3D photo image is placed over that which is further set down with two coats of polymer, of which former is thicker & the later is thinner. To add a finishing look to your ornamented floor, a protective lacquer, usually of epoxy contents is applied onto the top surface to give the image a glassy and scratch-resistant look. In addition to an image, some stones, wood or metal could be added to make the floor more exquisite since these materials look superb in polymer transparency.

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3d flooring serves as a best choice for those who can’t put their desired floors such as (laminate, ceramic, tile, linoleum) beneath their feet due to any reasons but again it’s not a cheap venture. It definitely requires colossal sum of money to get the work done with expertise. Apparently, these glossy glassy floors though look fragile but are very solid in reality and can last for years without giving any harm to your health. These floors can easily endure high temperatures and are anti-static, thus making cleaning of floor a game of few mins.

One thing to bear in mind is the venture will reward only if it is done correctly. Proper choice of photo images and ornament materials matter greatly to make a floor captivating enough that your guests feel indifferent to leave the place.

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